Slaughter of a ‘Dalit’ – दलित की बलि

कल इतवार का दिन देश के इतिहास में एक ऐसा काला दिन बनकर सामने आया जिसने सैंकड़ों सालों  से चली आ रही भेदभाव की नीति को नंगा कर दिया। खबर मिली कि पिछले साल हैदराबाद यूनिवर्सिटी में रिसर्च कर रहे पांच दलित रिसर्च स्कॉलर्स जिन्हें पिछले साल एक मामूली सी बात पर हुई बहस के बाद कॉलेज से निकाल दिया था में से एक ने अपने साथ हो रहे भेदभाव से तंग आकर हॉस्टल के कमरे में फंदा लगाकर अपनी जान दे दी।

बहुत से मीडिया चैनलों ने इस खबर को सिर्फ एक मौत की खबर की तरह पेश किया। टीवी पर जोर जोर से चिल्लाने वाले कुछ मश्हूर एंकरों ने अपने गले का पूरा ज़ोर लगाया भी तो यह कहने के लिए कि फांसी अपनी नाकामियों की वजह से लगायी गयी है। कुछ का कहना है यूनिवर्सिटी में दादागिरी करने वाले लोगों में से एक गिनती काम हो गयी। जहाँ एक तरफ कुछ चैनल फांसी के पीछे की असल वजह छुपाने को लगे हैं वहीँ कुछ ने इस खबर की तरफ से मुँह मोड़ने का फैसला कर और ख़ास ख़बरें दिखाना शुरू कर दिया है।

लेकिन सवाल अभी भी ज्यूँ का त्यूं ही है कि आखिर फांसी लेने वाले स्कॉलर रोहित वेमुला ने फांसी ली है या उसकी बलि दी गयी है ?

लोग चाहे कुछ भी कहें लेकिन देश की राजनीति की शतरंज की चालें देखें तो शायद आप भी समझ जायेंगे की रोहित वेमुला ने आतांहत्य नहीं की बल्कि उसकी बलि दी गयी है। उसकी बलि दी गयी है दलितों की आवाज़ दबाने और मनुवाद को हमेशा के लिए कायम रखने के लिए।

सत्ता में बैठे लोग नहीं चाहते की उनके खिलाफ कोई दलित आवाज़ उठाये। सत्ताधारी मनुवादी अपनी नीति और नीयत दोनों पर कायम है और वो कल भी यही चाहता था और आज भी यही चाहता है कि दलित उसके पैरों की जूती बनकर रहे, उसके मंदिरों में दान करे, घर में काम करे, उसकी जूतियां चमकाए और सर पर मैला धोए और वक़्त आने पर उसके कहने पर उसकी पार्टी को वोट करे। लेकिन आज जब एक दलित ने अपने और दूसरे धर्मों के लोगों के लिए आवाज़ उठाने की कोशिश की तो उसे तंग कर उसे इन हालातों में पहुंचा दिया कि वो खुद अपनी बलि देने के लिए तैयार हो गया।

इस आतमहयता को बलि कहने की वजह साफ़ होती है नीचे दिए गए इन खतों से जिनमें से एक खत आंध्रा प्रदेश के लेबर और एम्प्लॉयमेंट मिनिस्टर बंदारु दत्तातरया ने एच.आर.डी. मिनिस्टर स्मृति ईरानी को लिखा है और कहा है कि हैदराबाद की यूनिवर्सिटी देश विरोधी राजनीति और कट्टरवादी लोगों का अड्डा बन गयी है। बंदारु दत्तातरया ने अपने इस खत में कहा है कि अम्बेडकर अटूडेंट्स एसोसिएशन ने याकूब मेमन को फांसी दिए जाने पर नारेबाजी और विरोध प्रदर्शन किया है। बंदारु दत्तातरया ने मांग की थी की अम्बेडकर स्टूडेंट्स एसोसिएशन के मेंबरों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई की जाए। ऐसे में केन्दर सरकार के दवाब के चलते यूनिवर्सिटी के वाईस चांसलर ने स्टूडेंट्स एसोसिएशन के पांच ख़ास मेंबरों को ससपेंड कर दिया और तब से लेकर अभी तक इन स्टूडेंट्स को यूनिवर्सिटी ने बहाल नहीं किया है।


घटना में शामिल एक दूसरा स्टूडेंट फ्रंट ABVP जो कि आरएसएस का ही एक एक यूनिट है ने भी दवाब बना कर इन स्टूडेंट्स को यूनिवर्सिटी निकलवाने के लिए काफी मेहनत की थी। सभी जगह ऊंचे मुकामों पर डेरा डाले बैठे मनुवादी सोच के लोगों ने ससपेंड किये स्टूडेंट्स को निकाल कर दोबारा बहाल ना करने का फैसला किया जिससे न सिर्फ इन स्टूडेंट्स का भविष्य खराब हुआ बल्कि उनमें से एक ने ऐसा राह चुन लिया जहाँ से वापिस आना नामुमकिन है।

रोहित वेमुला की बलि दलित समाज और बाकी माइनॉरिटी ग्रुप्स के लिए मनुवादियों की तरफ से दिया गया एक पैगाम है कि जो भी उनकी सरकार का तख्ता पलट करने की तरफ एक कदम भी उठाएगा उसका यही हश्र होगा।

Warning Shots: Arise, Awake or Die

India has been the hot topic of discussion for the rest of the world since last year. The reason behind that of Course is not something Our one and Only JumleBaaz will give to you in any Election Campaign or TV interview.The whole world is well aware of the Social Unrest in the country that grew multiple times after May,2014.

An Incapable, Dubious and Hardliner of RSS; He took oath to destroy our Country’s Peace and Harmony. Not only He destroyed people’s peace but also invaded into our personal lives by Snatching our rights to choose Roti and Boti (Bread & Butter) we all want to eat. Communal divides, Lynchings, Controversial Statements its all common under the rule of a Current Government. But if back in time we see; It’s all Our own Mistake that voted for such a failed candidate and Political party to rule over us.

The Current Scenario of the Country explains it all.

  • Controversial Statements.
  • Beef Ban.
  • Lynching Cases in U.P. & H.P.
  • Unrest in Punjab.
  • Unrest in J & K.
  • Unrest in Maharashtra.
  • Hike in Prices.
  • Atrocities on Muslims & Dalits.
  • Politically funded Anti Reservation Drives.
  • The Hooliganism of RSS & SENA.
    & Much More.

Everything in just this approx 18 months of time Span. The current situation is clearly indicating about the upcoming threat that would destroy the structure of Indian Culture and Economy. And all this will happen just because Our Spineless PM Modi has to cards left to play. Now the only way to divert people’s attention from the core issues is to divide them in the name of Reservation, Religions, Nationality and let there be a river of blood once again.

But let me tell you one thing brethren. It’s not just Modi or RSS which is trying to set our Country on Fire. We all are equally responsible for the current situation.

We are responsible because we choosed them to rule upon us.We are responsible because we did not took a stand when house of others were being burned.We are responsible because we choose to stand out of the matter of other religions.We are responsible because when someone from other religion tries to mix up we label him as Traitor.We are responsible when we blindly join these political parties and increase their strengths multiple times.

The nation would never ever come under one roof until or unless we start working on the ground level to uproot the problem. The Problem is within us, The Communal lines between us is the problem and its the reason that Some Impotent, Tainted Touts are Ruling our Country because they know how to separate us in the name of Religion, Reservation and Races.

Just like we repair the roof of our Home to stop leakage/Seepage we need to fill in the cracks that divides our Society. Here is something we should really care about to maintain peace and Harmony:

  • We should respect and let anyone choose whatever he want to eat but we need  to make sure that no one in our neighbor sleeps without food.

  • We need not to be a meek spectator of any heinous act happening around you. Remember if it’s happening with someone else today it might happen with you some other day. Raise a Voice please.

  • Ram Mandir Or Babri Masjid it will remain Political issues and many people have destroyed their lives in these kind of religious matter. Can you name a single political leader his life or who lost a kin to this kind of Riots?

  • Reservation is the hot topic since many years and Politicians are churning out the votes out of it since 1947. Its time that we abolish the caste system first and treat everyone as equal. Indeed Politicians are getting more benefits because of reservation system than that of a Minority is getting. The day we start to behave equal Reservation system will start to vanish away automatically.

  • So You are a GAU BHAKT Right? How many cows do you have in your House?? How many of that the Mandir or the Leaders own? The men who took live of Akhlak how many many of them own a Cow? Ask them first before coming down to roads protesting against beef parties. If you worship A Cow then adopt one of them which are strolling around the town causing inconvenience to all of Us.

  • Clean Ganga project? Do you know the number of people who don’t have access to clean drinking water? We need to work upon that first before paying any heed to such kind of jokes.

  • INDIA-PAKISTAN a never ending issue. Don’t get into dog fight with people on Facebook pages if Shiv Sena or any Other political Party barks something undigestible about our neighbor. They are getting funded for spilling ink on people and you are getting nothing but hate in your mind. They will get votes on the basis of score they created by sparking this kind of controversies. What you will get is Baba Ji Ka Thullu.

  • Do you still dream of 15 Lac INR will credited to your account some day Because once a Jumlebaaz said this kind of thing in his election speech? If yes then Stop dreaming and start living in reality. See where the prices of everything has gone. Next tine vote carefully BEWARE OF _____.

In the end I just want to say Arise, Awake because time is crucial now no one can change the current scenario without collective efforts from all of us. We can change the things else get ready to be killed in Riots and Communal clashes.India needs a New Political Party. No No i am not urging you to support AAP. In my opinion we need better governance that current political parties are unable to provide.

Holy Cow!! – Killer Cow!!

On 28 September 2015 evening, in Dadri, U.P. handful of politically sponsored goons equipped with Swords, Brick – Stones, Sticks attacked the house of a resident Mohd. Akhlaq.

Reason: They SUSPECTED that Akhlaq had consumed and Stored beef in their house on the eve of Eid.

Well the word ‘Suspected’ all alone is enough to prove that it was not just an accident but was a planned lynching. Since May, 2014 India has changed a lot for Muslims. India which was known for its diverse culture seems to changing its course towards becoming a pro saffron nation. The same color which India tried to impose on Nepal few days ago. While most of the politicians are busy in looting our country and getting political mileage out of lynching case. Let’s shift our focus to the centre of the problem.

Yes! COW, HOLY COW or KILLER COW; if you too are a Hindu like me then you will definitely be mad at me because of the salutation KILLER I used for the HOLY COW. Well, if we go back in time and observe it Cow has been the main reason of almost any Hindu-Muslim riots. The reason for the riots is not itself the cow but some dogs that bark at the stages and give this innocent animal a Holy and VIP status. While backstage many of them could be seen enjoying a big plate of Beef Biryani. The truth is not hidden to anyone that many of Hindus eat and enjoy eating Beef. It’s been the culture of Hindus to eat different animals as and when required; even in some Hindu scriptures you will find mention of Beef Eating Habits of Hindu Maharajas & Warriors.

While I personally do not see anything wrong in eating beef I think those Hindus who are in favor of Beef Eating should come forward to defend basic human rights to choose what to eat and what to not. Cow is an animal and must be considered as one. By giving the status of Mother we are not only disrespecting our own Mothers but also bring shame to our nation as in “INDIA: where cow is considered as mother

  • Animals like Cows become the reason of Traffic jams.
  • Abandoned Cows and Bulls causes accidents.
  • Cow causes Riots.
  • Cow Meat i.e. Beef is exported to the world.

How can a nation who considers cow as a Mother can Slay its Mother, Pack it and Export it to the world? Is it not a matter of shame for us?

I ask all my Hindu brothers:

  • Will You let our Mother wander around the city and let her eat anything from the Trash Cans?
  • Will You let your mother sleep in between the Road?
  • Will you cut her into pieces and Export it to other countries?

I am sure your answer for all above written questions will be big NO and that completely ok. We can’t do that because “Mother is the strongest pillar of every Family that nurture and loves us” Giving a Cow a Holy Status only has one agenda i.e. to polarize people/ votes and rule the nation. It’s the only way they can blame any Muslim and do this kind of lynching. I wonder how many of us really care if our neighbor had enough food for the night or not, I wonder how many of us really care if beggars in the street beg us of food to eat. Most of us turn our head to the other side as if we don’t care at all about his carving for food.

If we can become the much careless about others life then how the hell we are supposed to bare someone’s personal life and frisk their home for the remains of what they have eaten? If this is Hinduism them I am ashamed of being a Hindu. This exactly is not Hinduism this act of lynching is Politics. The politics to oppress the Minorities, to divert people’s Attention from Core Issues to non issues. This is politics by “Hindutva Terrorists” to push our nation into a state of unrest and enjoy beef Biryani while watching the riots Live on News channels. But it must not happen; govt. and these so called Gau Bhakats must know that the time is different, people are changing and so the nation. I personally have no issues with any Beef eating Hindu or Muslim Brother. Let there be peace and Harmony and Pass over a little Beef Biryani for me please.

Baba, Media and Maggi – Big Questions for India.

The Role of ‘Babas’ in Indian Culture is very difficult to understand; just like tangled noodles can’t be untangled, The Hidden Intentions of Babas are almost impossible to Decode. If we talk about Ancient India or even two or three decades back in time ‘Baba’ or ‘Saint’ were the words of respect but today these words are much more like an abuse. And no one else but Babas themselves are responsible for bringing bad name to them, they are responsible for their tarnished image in society. Today’s some of these Babas are under trials for Murders, Rapes and Bomb Blasts and Much More. It doesn’t just stops here Modern Babas are well known for their Shampoo, Hair oil, Toothpaste and wide range of Other Beauty, Grocery and Cleaning Products, for their Films, for their controversial statements and last but not least for their Silence over Question of Upliftment of weaker sections of society.

Their business practices are discussed as case studies in Board Meetings of Big Corporates and Management Students in top notch Institutes. For these babas the Bhakts/followers are their customers came to shop their products. Actually these kind of Babas have truly found the meaning of Star Plus’s TaglineRishta Wohi, Soch Nayi”, by maintaining the same old Rishta/Relation of Guru-Chela (Master-Follower) and Implementing the sales strategy/Selling the products to them. Perhaps their true face is not that of a Baba or Saint, their true face is of a Marketer. A marketer that directs it’s followers to vote for a specific Political Party, A marketer who stages protests to bring back the black money just another drama. There are absolutely thousands of things to talk about these babas but a question that we all (or specially the followers) should ponder over is: Are We going in The Right Direction?

P.S. As far as I think we are not going in the right direction if we are following these babas. We are not going if we blindly follow the lines these babas drew for their own profits.

Media of course plays a very-very vital role in society. Bringing the news in front of People so that people can know the truth but in this era it’s unfortunate that most of the News Giants of our nation have sold their Honesty to such Babas, Politicians or Business Houses. Suppressing the truth and diverting people’s attention to useless things is what media houses now days are doing. Instead of talking about development, having debates on issues people of country are facing and holding meaningful talks they are busy showing “Kyu aaya Sonam Kapoor ko Gussa” , “Neeli Shirt ka Sanjay Dutt se Kya hai Connection”; Hell, I mean, is this why we tuned to a news Channel to know about these kind of news? Media should be unveiling the truths like how these Politicians making us fool everyday by lying about achievements of governments, by addressing those issues that persists since the era of independence and are yet to be resolved which in fact will never be resolved because those issues are bread and butter for them.

Media should reveal the truth how these Babas are looting people by Selling products at high profit margin. Media should interview such babas and question them about their contribution in development of India. Did they helped India by building toilets in rural India? Did they mention in their sermons about the role of cleanliness in our life? Did they ever donated blood or held blood donation camps in their ashrams? Media should question How come their Ashrams are so clean but Surroundings of the ashram have piles of Dust and Garbage? Media should ask what quantities of medicines are donated to the public on regular basis to fight with health problems. They must be questioned how many Students are being sponsored by their trusts for different taking different competitive exams: IAS, PCS, IFS, NDA, CDS, PMT, and AIEEE. Media must question them if none of above is being done by their ashrams then in what other way they are contributing to the society?


Sabki Pyari Maggi — As if all this was a Plotted Game, As soon as the Maggi Row compelled Nestle India to withdraw its famous product from Indian Market. Two of Babas announced that their TRUSTS, Yes, Charitable Trusts will launch the healthier substitute of Maggi. Should they really doing this? Is this the true face of Babas? Or should they ever be called as Babas. In my opinion they should be called Undercover Business Persons of India. Businessmen with no moral values, Businessmen which are taking over of the Dharam or Religion and Earning a lot of money by Using the name NON PROFIT or CHARITABLE TRUSTS.

P.S. It’s a wakeup call for my brethren, don’t follow pakhandis. Follow humanity. It’s difficult to be an Entrepreneur after MBA and it’s easy to be Baba-cum-Entrepreneur.

Muslims; The new dalits of India

Poor and Dalits are such pawns of Indian Politics which holds the power to overthrow the governments. Like it was always there in Indian Politics and Indian society; living an Unequal life, being tortured by Upper Casts and ignorance by the System – In India being a Dalit could be the worst nightmare of one’s life. Though Indian Constitution has given power to the Dalits so that they could live an equal life as others. But the society still does not accept them and they are treated UN Equal.

After the 2014 Elections, BJP MPs and RSS have taken these differences and Inequalities to a new level, Sparking Controversies and Making Minority Groups feel like Unwelcomed Guests in their Own Home Country. This is what made me describe Muslims as New Age Dalits, Current state of Muslims is no better than Dalits as both sections of the Society are being treated with Inequality. When a Government becomes deaf and communal at that time what else we can expect from the Society which already has not changed their perception for Dalits and Muslims since ages.

“As the Ignorance and Discrimination by the System and Governments was not enough; the Religion based Discrimination by a Business House made it even worse. The Current scenario Reminds me of Black Days that Dalits of India Witnessed”. If we talk about Management Graduate Zeshan Ali Khan, he never had expected such kind of reply from the business house where he applied for a job considering him eligible for the job by all means. There’s a wise saying- “Before pointing our finger at others we should take a look within ourselves. Perhaps doing so will help finding mistakes in our actions and resolve the problem.” The problem with majority of Indians is same. we do not find fault in our self and try to prove our self better than others. Being A Hindu I really do not find Myself with any extra features god has given to me as a reward. I wonder how those sick mentality people can deny job to a talented head just because he’s a Muslim. Do they think Muslims are Aliens? Or Dalits?

Well, I believe they do not believe in life on other planets so the Answer is Clear. The two equally talented and deserved sections of society are being Harassed, Refused and Rejected by the society just because they have heard rumors about them.

  • Rumors that they are Untouchables;
  • Rumors, that they are disloyal.
  • Rumors, that they are Terrorists.
  • Rumors, that their ancestors had looted and destroyed India.
  • Rumors, that they are not Patriotic.
  • Rumors, that every Muslim Hate Others.

While none of the above written rumors is true; Please allow me to reveal a truth. The Problem is in within Mentality of People. Imagine a Country, where setting Ambedkar’s Song as Mobile Ringtone can cost one’s life and Being Muslim or Dalit lands you into false Encounters and Unemployment; we cannot expect country’s development in such scenario.

The Problem is in Some Upper Cast People who believe they are Born Superior and holds the right to rule Lower casts and Other Religions, But I think they have no Idea about they too are born In the Same way as Dalits or Muslims are Born, They too had spent same amount time in their Mother’s Womb. They too had same Blood and have no right to discriminate others. Such people come forward in protests and Complain about Reservation Quotas in Education, Service sectors and look at Dalits and Other Minorities with a raised Brow. But I think the Reservation Quotas for Minority people and Dalits is justified and should not be abolished anytime soon.

Because in My Opinion those who think themselves as superior ones have to change their Perception about Dalits and Muslims before demanding Abolishment of Any Reservation Quota or anything. Like in the case of ‘Zeshan Ali Khan’ he was not given the job because the mentality of the management who took this decision is still struck in 16th century. And it’s just not the one case. I personally have many friends who think Dalits are Untouchables and Every Muslim hates India and Indian People.

They have to understand everyone’s got equal chance to live and do the work of their choice regardless of their Cast, Creed, Color or Gender. People criticizing Dalits, Muslims and other Minorities must understand the Importance of their existence in society.

They must Understand It’s not all About Reservation Quota It is about freedom and Equality they want. The Reservation Quotas will be abolished when the Equality to them will be given.

People Must understand that they (Dalits and Muslims) too are born in the same country dreamed about peaceful lives; contributed to the development of the country.

They must understand that defacing the Road Boards with Muslim names will not change the History. We cannot forget How Mugals and Muslims helped building the nation and rich culture of India.

They must understand that Muslim Community and Islamic culture and Heritage are Integral parts of India and Indian Culture; the whole system of the country will collapse without this Important Building block of India.

They must stop questioning the Patriotism of others and look within and evaluate themselves.

They must understand that -If want to see the change then we must change ourselves first. Stop hating people if you expect no hate from others.

In the End- They Must Kill their Ego and accept the reality that the are just like everyone else. They are not superior.


Muslims of India need Sunlight;Don’t drag them to Darkness- A letter to Mr. Owaisi

In politics Communal issues are never buried, they are kept alive, for the bread and butter of Politicians. Ever since the partition and even before partition politicians have been milking the benefits of people’s communal mentality; every now and then we get a new statement from BJP, AIMIM and Other Political Big Mouths.

While none of them is really interested to resolve the problems of common man. All they want is fight and lines between different religions and to extract maximum benefit out of it. They push common man into the Communal fire and use the fire to cook their food on that fire which is really shameful.

This letter is for Owaisi brothers of AIMIM, deep inside I feel they are just playing with the emotions of their people and widening the communal gap between us like most other political parties. So here, a little truth I am writing hope it will help change them their heart.

Dear Mr. Owaisi, It’s been just a few months since I am deeply observing the political activities of different parties. I learnt from news that you usually do not get permissions to hold political rallies in different states of India. Whatever the reason behind that; let’s do not talk about that.

My purpose of writing this letter is to let you know that why are you failing as a Political Party in India. Let me give you a hint about it. “How can the Country’s second highest civilian honour, Padma Vibhushan, be given to Advani who are facing criminal charges (in connection to Babri Masjid Demolition)”? This could be a simple statement for you Mr. Owaisi and might be a necessary one to keep your political career afloat. But please answer me:

  • “What will my Muslim Brothers will get even if the Padma Vibhushan award is snapped back from Mr. Advani by the government?”
  • “Is it necessary to speak about those old issues over and over again”?
  • “Are you doing justice with the people who voted you in elections and made you MP”?
  • “Other political parties are doing the same thing, Dividing people on the name of religions; In recent days A train was stopped by Some Muslims and Politicians named it GODHRA-2” How are you different from those politicians as you are doing the same i.e. reminding people of those black days of History.
  • “If SC ever comes with solution acceptable to both Muslim and Hindu community members; then would it benefit any of that community?
  • Why cannot we rather focus to uplift, develop and Educate Muslims living under poverty and extreme sorry conditions?
  • And why just Muslims why we cannot think about other people?

Mr. Owaisi People of India both Muslims and all other communities need serious help. Since your political focus just covers Muslim Brethren. I will say- “Muslims of India need Sunshine, Don’t drag them back to the darkness”. They want to think above religions, Youth of India got the wings on their back; the boundaries you drew, the bridges you demolished to maintain communal gap cannot stop their Sky High flight. You cannot capture their thoughts, it’s over now.

I saw a lot of Videos of your brother on YouTube and most of the times his speeches are comparative, Communal and full of hate messages. A lot of bloodshed has happened over this kind of statements till now. Now it’s time to stop all this nonsense; it’s time to focus on development it’s time to open More Schools, colleges, Hospitals, Sports academies, Coaching Institutes and much more. It’s time to think and shift your focus from Dirty Politics to Fair Development of Muslims. I true ruler rules the heart of people, not just a constituency. If you have true spirit to serve stop spreading hate and get your hands off from Blame Game and Comments that Political leaders are doing since Independence.

People need a true leader; not another big mouth that just reminds people about Riots, Atrocities and Reservation Quotas. Success lies in development of People. Mr. Owaisi not in hate speeches, war or Communal talks; by such small talks you will get votes nothing else. Someday another political party will take birth in your Constituency and will smash up your empire by being much more communal than you. People are not fool they doubt that there could be a Secret Tunnel between Two Forts as it’s the tradition of Indian Politics. Leave these Hindu-Muslim issues and people will forget about those black days and will live with peace together. Do not add fuel to that communal fire that ate many of our Uncle’s, Aunt’s, Sisters and Brothers.

Be honest to Your People at least; bring the positive change in their lives, lighten their homes, bring smiles to their faces. This is how AIMIM will be able to rule India. Else I suggest you to rename it to MIM because without winning hearts you cannot Rule India.

P.S. Times are changing, Divide and Rule Won’t work now. We won’t let it happen now.

SOS call from Nepal — A Plea to Mankind

Delhi: 25 April, 2015; It was around 11:46 in the morning, sitting by the large glass window of a café; I realized the things around are shaking. Soon another strong jolt confirmed that we are hit by a very disastrous earthquake of 2015. As our attention shifted to the TV screen the breaking news was about the Earthquake only. “Nepal- the epicenter was badly shaken and destroyed by this natural disaster.

Coming back to my place from the café, I had to board Metro from Khan Market Station. Metro service which was stopped for sometime due to Earthquake was now resumed. Waiting for the a train to my destination where I can just fit in anyhow was the only thing in my mind, after 3 unsuccessful attempts of boarding a metro 4th attempt was successful.

15 minutes of my travel passed in just one thought and the thought was: “The condition of Earthquake Victims.”

2 1 earthquake_650x400_81429970662

People consisting: Children, Elders, Young Generation;

Building consisting: Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Homes;

All destroyed just in few minutes; what left was the debris and cries of homeless, workless, injured, now orphaned Children. The loss is Unrecoverable for many of them. People lost their lives, their Properties; Hard earned Savings, their children, their parents. But one thing they didn’t lose this time was- their faith.

Yes, their faith in Humanity. All the credit goes to the people from around the world who came down to help them in this hour of crisis. Different organizations and Governments including: India, Pakistan, China and Israel are helping Nepalese government and People in this difficult time.

Pakistan: The own blood and permanent target of Indian people and governments since the partition, has extended a helping hand towards the crisis struck nation, showing their solidarity towards Humanity. People donating blood, food, Cash, Clothes, medicines etc. are giving the much needed hope to those people. Hope that Nepal really need this time.

I wonder we people get frustrated over petty issues like a new tiny scratch on our Scooter or Car, over a flat tyre, for not getting leave from work and many times for the cold food served to us.

Now let’s imagine what earthquake left behind for those people? Perhaps- damaged Cars, no food, no home and no luxury. Yesterday from a news channel I heard a person survived by drinking his own Urine. And In good times we don’t even compromise on our choice of Soft drink.

In general many people hate to Sit, eat or share things with the people from So-called different religion but in this time of crisis all those restrictions/ lines seems to disappear and only one religion we all see is Humanity. In troubled times people just need a helping hand, they don’t need “Apne Log”. So, I urge you all please extend help to those in trouble.

Don’t listen to anyone whose trying to spread hate in us. For many of us religion could be their first priority but God, Allah, Bhagwan, WaheGuru only love those who love Humanity.


Here’s what we can do to help Nepal and Nepalese People:

Here is what they need:

Urgent Relief Material

Dry Ration
Matches and Candles
Tarpaulins and thick plastic sheets
Blankets and Sleeping Bags
Feeding bottles
Baby Food
Sanitary napkins
Essential Medicine

Drop-off Location
Embassy of Nepal
Barakhamba Road (Opposite Mandi House)
New Delhi
Phone no. 011-23237361 / 011-23476200

Incomplete List of NGO’s and Corporates helping Nepalese people:

  • Khalsa Aid: Khalsa Aid is working with Jet Airways to deliver items such as hand sanitizers, wet wipes, baby milk powder and water purification tablets.
  • Air Asia: Long-haul low-fare airline Air Asia X is organizing free flights to Nepal for the NGOs and humanitarian agencies.  These free flights will run until 10 May 2015 and will be based on seat availability for accredited NGOs and humanitarian agencies helping in the relief missions since the earthquake.
  • Idea Forge: A startup that makes drones has deployed an unmanned aerial vehicle system, along with the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), to Kathmandu and other villages in Nepal for site surveillance to help with the rescue efforts.
  • Goonj: Goonj is an Indian relief agency with 11 offices and more than 300 employees. Currently, Goonj is readying two trucks of relief material to transfer to Nepal, with more urgent supplies going by air.
  • Islamic Relief: A nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian relief in more than 35 countries worldwide, is working in Nepal to help quake victims.
  • Muslim Hands: Muslim Hands Nepal is working within the growing number of camps which are forming on the outskirts of Kathmandu. They have been delivering food, water and non-food items to survivors.

Remember  Future is uncertain. Please help people today; you might need help tomorrow. Please spread Love, Peace and Humanity.

To, my Sister Maryam Asif Siddiqqui- My Pledge towards Humanity & Islam

Dear Sister, First of all congratulations to you for winning Gita Champions League, I also want to congratulate Your parents and whole Muslim community whose teachings and freedom let you read A Holy book; A book that was in controversy few days ago.

As you decoded and said “Humanity is the ultimate Religion”. Your statement is a tight slap on the face of all those who are busy insulting Islam, Hinduism and other religions and tagging it with different names. I think they have got the answer from your statement that Islam or any other religion you follow teaches you about Humanity only.

Now days, talking against Islam seem to be the only Agenda of many people’s life around the world. My advice to you is: Never bother about those people’s views, and keep on going with the perspective you have about Humanity and Religions. Our world is in severe need of persons like you.

Here I want to share a picture with you that in my view shows where Humanity stands, and its Connection with WaheGuru, Allah, Bhagwan, …….. & God.


Wish you all the best.


 As the times are changing people are getting modern, we are exposed to quick technological changes; from telegram to smart phones we adapted technology as it came. But it’s very unfortunate to see that thought wise, many people are still same as they were many-many years ago. Our politicians still find it easy to rule on us by just reminding us about Gujarat Riots, Muzaffarnagar riots, Hashimpura Killings. But, we need to understand the truth that, blood scattered all around in those killings and riots was of human and of one color only. Everyone feels the heat whenever riots or killings took place. Every Hindu or Muslim has a lot of relations in the society (inside and Outside of religion) – for someone He is a father, Son, Uncle, Husband and so on. How can we hate Muslims while they are having the bullet on their chests at Borders of India? Similarly, why should we hate Hindus too?

Bloodshed not only the hurt the sentiments of every person who has seen it happening but I leaves a wound deep inside us that’s really hard to heal. In recent time, I came in the contact of many more Muslim brothers with the help of “The Siasat Daily” though people never met me personally but I feel the love they give me. I feel insulted when anyone calls them Terrorists; it hurts a lot when people try to connect every terrorist attack with Muslims without knowing the truth. It hurts when somewhere a girl gets Raped or Mistreated no matter what religion she belongs to.

It hurts when some people of my own religion says that I might have converted to Islam, that’s why I am supporting or defending Islam. So many incidents take place, when you talk against majority. Unfortunately right now, they are not able to understand the concept of Humanity. I believe once they understood it they will admire and respect it. We all have to come forward to bring the change. It’s not a one man show and it never will be.

Today, I pledge to spread the message of Humanity and Islam to the world and this is not something extraordinary I am going to do. This is my moral duty, and I can’t live in a world where people are not happy seeing people from fighting just because of religions. I can’t live where people can’t see above the walls of Religions. I pledge to continue my support and make it my mission to spread the Message of Humanity and true meaning of Islam across the world.

To bring the change, we need each other’s support and love, without which no one would succeed. Please don’t get angry in first instance after someone had commented on Islam or Muslim community and try to show him right path. I would also like to share a feeling with you all.

I don’t know whether it’s possible or not, But I want to spend time with my Muslim brothers, I want to live with them to understand them better. May be for 3 days, may be a week or perhaps I continue my journey through different families to know more and more about Islam and its people. I want to collect their thoughts and tell the world- See, this is the insights of Islam. I want to give an answer to everyone who is against it and see Islam as its Foe.

Rest is up to you all, Thank you Once again.

My Voice- A Question to UK Govt. ,Universities and Sir John Stanley from an Indian

Dear Sir John Stanley, Hope you are having great time reading this letter; Taking not much time from your busy schedule. Let me introduce myself in one line. “My name is Kapil and I am a proud citizen of India.”

The reason behind writing this letter is that I want to draw your interest towards the news I read on Social Media and in leading News Papers of India. According to the news UK Universities have denied admission to number of Muslim students in certain courses like Nuclear, biological and chemical warfare from different countries fearing that those people will use their skills and knowledge for destruction purposes.

While the UK Govt. and Committee on Arms Export Controls have not disclosed information regarding the Nationality of any rejected Applicant. It is being said that Most of them are Muslims and belongs to Islamic Countries or India.

Having above information in hand I just want to one question and I would also like to express my views about How the decision the committee will impact the world; Yes, I mean the World, not only a few countries.

My question to you is: Why we need certain courses like Nuclear, Biological and Chemical warfare?

I understand that from security point of view of every country use different measures. Preparedness for war is another layer of National security for every country. The educational programmes as mentioned above are necessary so as to develop better understanding with the subjects. But really do not understand the reason behind denying admission to people from Islamic countries or India. These countries also need protection from other countries. They also want to be prepared for any upcoming threat. More over the ban doesn’t apply for UK born People. Why you need to implement these kind of double standards?

The reason of committee seems not enough to reject applications of over 700 Students. People from Islamic Countries are just normal people like us. Being a Muslim is not a crime. They are following their religion peacefully however there are some extremists in Islam too like we all have in other religions that tarnishes the image of their people .You cannot blame anyone or Judge them on the basis of their Religion. There are a lot of Muslim scientists, Doctors, Pilots, engineers working in your country; do they harm you in anyway? It’s all about give and take. Sow the seed of love and Reap the same. Or Sow the hate and Reap the same.

People here in countries like India sometimes give example of UK, US and Other developed countries whenever we talk about Justice, Equal rights and many more things. But now a day we are witnessing the flipside of these countries where people are discriminated on the basis of their Religion, where wearing a veil can land you in Hospital and wearing a turban will land you in trouble.Where Muslims and Sikhs are treated as terrorists by Public. People from different parts of world come to developed countries in search of better environment and better career opportunities. But is this how we should treat them?

Barring a student from education will not only discourage him/her but will also make him stand against you. Those people may turn against you and give you a surprise by another terror attack like 9/11 and do you know who will be responsible for that? Your Govt. will be responsible for that because, people willing to study and refused by your govt. will try to get courses in another country chances are there that they could be brainwashed and trained by terrorist groups, again I am saying Terrorism Groups not by any Religion because terrorists have no Religion. Your concerns about global terrorism are legitimate and the world really appreciates that. But blaming a community for terrorism is not right at all and not acceptable too.

Muslims are not terrorists that you need to know very well and your citizens too shall understand this. Education Sector of your country has the Key Role in the development of your Country. However India too has played a very vital role in the growth of your country but that’s a different matter altogether.

No one will respect you until or unless you have the space in your heart to respect you. I read the reports at your government’s Official website about Arms Exports Control. I learnt from there that some countries are not agreeing with UK’s terms and conditions which are the road blocks in signing many treaties. Well, everything will be fine if you stop spreading Hate among people by unnecessarily suspecting them of being a Terrorist the second thing is Please respect Other Religions. Islam is a noble religion it doesn’t provokes its people to fight. So don’t target their people and their Religion. In India though Hindus and Muslims have had riots on the name of Religion, but still we all live together without any problem. We eat together, Work together and live happy lives. Hope so that things in UK will change soon.

P.S. If possible, please issue the information in public about the nationality of rejected applicants.


Beef, The Mosque and Brotherhood

Since the BJP came into power in 2014, it revealed its true face to the People. “Ache Din”– A much promoted slogan seems to have no place in TO-Do List of BJP People. Giving out Controversial Statements every second day, imposing higher tax rates, insensitivity towards “Common Man” and Useless Bans this is all we are witnessing now a days.

We as Hindus worship Cow, I admit that as Hindus, We worship The Cow but, still I am not in favor of a Ban on Beef and I am not alone on to think like this, Many Hindus think the same on this issue. I don’t really know who is giving out this kind of weird ideas to this political party. The reason that I am not in favor of Beef Ban are many. But I will only point out some of them.

  • Every individual has the right to choose what he wants to eat. Beef is known as a healthy food and is being used widely in India; Even Ayurveda supports the fact that eating beef is healthy for us.
  • We are living in a country where people from different religions live together peacefully, (until some political goon provokes them to fight in name of religion). We respect each other’s culture and I strongly believe that we should give People their personal space. So that they can choose and eat what they want.
  • I believe it is another political agenda behind banning the Beef consumption. Given the fact that India is 5th largest Exporter of Meat Products in the world. On one hand you are exporting it and on the other hand you are prohibiting it’s consumption in the country. Isn’t it politics in name of ‘Cow’? If you really care about Mother Cow stop slaughtering it for exports too. That will prove your point.
  • We all proudly say “We worship Cow”- But how many of us really mean this? Cows are worshiped on auspicious days only and believe it or not it’s a bitter truth. Even in Gaushalas people visit with a lot of eatables on special occasions like Gau Ashtami, Diwali, Shradhs etc. and most important when a the Upay that someone has told us to do in order to get our stars aligned, these are the days which remind us of our “Gau Mata”. We all see a lot of Cows wandering around on Roads and in our streets- abandoned because she is not producing milk now, some of them are seriously wounded. Even Gaushalas do not bother to give them a shelter.

P.S. — Eating Beef or Not is a personal choice of every person, for many of us serving Beef and Beef Products is a way of earning bread and butter.

The Mosque

In recent days Subramanian Swami, Another BJP leader came with a statement “Mosque not a religious place. It is just a building. It can be demolished any time

Mr. Subramanian I want to ask you a question; what do you want to prove by giving such statement? Do you know how to give respect to other religions?

First of all it’s not only Mosque it’s The Mosque; I want to remind you even our Mandirs are also a buildings not anything above that. They can also be demolished anytime. Respect other religions before seeking respect from them. People like you ignite a spark and later on our generations face the wrath of it. Keep your mouth shut if you don’t have anything good to speak.

I visit Gurudwaras, Mandirs and Churches but never been to a Mosque, but I strongly believe that same Bhagwan, WaheGuru, Allah, God will be there in The Mosque too. That One divine light that bless everyone regardless of their religion because for him all people are one; for him there is no religion above Humanity. Remember one thing the day you try to harm The Mosques; your own people will stand against you and the current tenure of BJP govt. will be the noted as last tenure of BJP in the history of India.

P.S. We all are one, Keep your mouth shut. Give respect to other religions. Our Temples too are just a building.


Hajj_promo_944The picture here left me lost for words, it attracts me in same way The Temples and The Gurudwaras do. Indeed I look at this picture everyday and I imagine myself standing in front of this Holy Place folding my hands like we do in our religion to pay respect to that Almighty.

Sometimes I wonder what if I stepped into The Mosque, Would my Muslim brothers allow me to step inside the Mosque and pay respects there. So, Here I want to ask you all would you allow a Hindu to Step inside The Mosque without changing His religion and pray there.

I would also love to see my Muslim brothers in Our Temples. Because I believe- God is One, and He is everywhere. Knowing each other will spread love and respect only.