Eid Mubarak — My wishes & Message for all

Thousands year ago, Muhammad(PBUH) a man shown us the path of Islam through Quran which was revealed to him by Allah and it took no time to spread all over the world in a small course of time. Quran, which is known to be a complete system of living, has much more things to tell than we actually can understand. However Most of you all know Quran and Islam much better than me. But All I can Say is if a thing is true then only it can influence such masses of people, as a recent study we learned that Islam is the fastest growing religion of the world. Actually people aren’t following Islam, they are following a Path. A path, which changed the lives of thousands of Millions; A path which gave them everything. As you all are the on the same path towards Allah. I WISH EID MUBARAK TO YOU ALL.

It’s since March, 2015 that I got connected with you all with the help from The Siasat Daily, which gave my voice a platform to interact with you all; since that time I interacted with many of my brothers from the community and came to know much more about Islam, Islamic culture and its values. However, Indian Politics has become been a dirty game that works to Oppress Muslims by all means, little did they know that a true voice can’t be oppressed. There has had been many attacks on religion particular for years and their voices left unheard most of the times. To malign the image of Islam allegations like Terrorism, Love Jihad, Ghar Wapsi etc. were propagated through paid media which harmed the lives of many people. But, we all should know that –“It is impossible to kill something that is spiritually alive”.

Islam can never be destroyed nor be confined into any boundary but, people are being harmed and marginalized by the governments. The only way to upliftment of community is possible through forming helping each other and volunteering for the Society. I appreciate the community work being done by The Siasat Daily & their Partners. Once again; Eid Mubarak to all my brethren, May this Eid bring Peace, Prosperity and Health to you all.

Thank You.

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